2022 Endurance Run and Lowland Tour

What a great event. Only (1) car started and did not finish. Thank you to all those that volunteered and participated.

Rookie of the Year (first time driver closest to the winning time): Steven Chase

3rd Place: Mike Robinson and Dawna Robinson

2nd Place: Ed Archer and Leslie Kent

1st Place: Stephen Hite and Jeff Nielsen

Here are some photos from the event:

I hope to have some video footage compiled soon.

2017 SCVMTFC Antique Autos in History Park

On September 9th, 2017, the Santa Clara Valley Model T Ford Club (SCVMTFC) hosted the 17th annual Antique Autos in History Park. The event is for pre-1946 vehicles. Some video from the event can be found below:

2017 SCVMTFC Endurance Run

On June 11, 2017, the Santa Clara Valley Model T Ford Club (SCVMTFC) hosted the 48th annual Endurance Run and Lowland Tour. Some video from the event can be found below:

New 1926 Lincoln

There is a new Lincoln in the stable.  This will be a parts car.  If you see something you want, let us know.

2016 The Race of Gentlemen, West Coast

Video from the 2016 West Coast Race of Gentlemen held in Pismo Beach.

2016 SCVMTFC Endurance Run

Here are some photos and video from the Santa Clara Valley Model T Ford Club Endurance Run and Lowland Tour.

2016 Endurance Run

2015 Antique Autos in History Park

Photos from the 2015 Antique Autos in History Park hosted by the Santa Clara Valley Model T Ford Club

2015 Antique Autos

2015 Endurance Run

Video from the 2015 SCVMTFC Endurance Run starting line.

2015 SCVMTFC Endurance Run from Ivan Jorgensen on Vimeo.

2014 Solids and Spokes Run

Video and photos from the 2014 Solids and Spokes Run hosted by Clayton’s Hot Rods

Solids and Spokes 2014 from Ivan Jorgensen on Vimeo.

Solids and Spokes 2014

2014 Endurance Run Starting Line

Video from the 2014 Endurance Run starting line hosted by Santa Clara Valley Model T Ford Club

2014 Endurance Run from Ivan Jorgensen on Vimeo.